Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Belle and Chloe NEED Your Help!

Belle and Chloe are so much more than "just dogs" to my husband and me.  These adorable girls can make either of us smile when we are having a bad day just by being there.  I know many other people feel this way about their pets, as well.  Sadly, many people are being forced to give their beloved family members away because they cannot afford to feed themselves, let alone the pet that has been there for them through their struggles and asked for nothing in return. 

The Pottstown Mercury has challenged their bloggers to "Fill the Media Lab" with food donations to benefit area pantries.  Our goal is to reach 20,000 items and 1,000 bottles of laundry detergent by the start of Passover.  The Pottstown Cluster is in need of pet food donations, so I am challenging each person that reads this blog to donate one bag of food to this great cause.  I cannot imagine being forced to give Belle or Chloe away or one of our two cats, Pumpkin and Daisy, because we don't have enough money to purchase food for them.  We are not asking for top of the line food, a $2 bag of food will last awhile and you will be making someone's life a little brighter no matter how much you spend.  The important thing is to DONATE!!! 

Joe Paws Dog Bakery has given me permission to place two boxes at their location: one for human food and one for pet food donations.  I have heard wonderful things about this Bakery, but have not been there yet, but am looking forward to spoiling Belle and Chloe with some treats when I drop off the boxes.  I have heard dogs cannot resist them and they are very reasonably priced.  This can be dangerous for me, as I love to purchase fresh baked treats for our girls when given the chance.  The Bakery has a website: http://www.joepawsonline.com/ and is open Tuesday - Thursday from 10 to 6; Friday from 10 to 5; and Saturday from 10 to 3.  They closed on Sunday and Monday.  Donations can be dropped off at: 18 South Reading Avenue, Boyertown, PA  19512.  While you are there, reward your pet with a freshly baked treat to show them how much you love them! 

You can also drop off your donations at The Mercury's Offices at Hanover and King Streets in Pottstown. 

There are more people than ever that are struggling to make ends meets, so your help is greatly needed.

Thank you for your support!  Our family appreciates it, but the family your donation allows to keep their beloved family member appreciates it more!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, We would love to put a box at our store. Please call Boneyard Joe's and ask for Jen or Eric. 484.524.8816
